

Hair problems? Wrap it up.

It's safe to say I have been cursed blessed with a full head of hair.

Unfortunately, I'm not that great at waking up to my alarm and I'm often rushed in the mornings as a result.  On the rare occasion that I do wake up with socially acceptable hair it's a great day, but most of the time I don't.  I usually have no time to make my messy bed head look somewhat controlled.  I throw it back in a bun, braid or something pretty lame; a turban is really what I need a lot of the time...

I've always been a fan of headbands as they cover my hair if I decide to go a day without washing it.  They're an accessory that tricks the world into thinking you've made an effort, but usually they're a girl's way of covering up her messy/dirty hair.

Lately, I haven't been able to find any headbands that are different.  The same little bows, feathers and sequined embellishments keep appearing on headbands.  I was frantically searching for a new trend in headwear when I finally came across the headwrap.  And guess what?  It's turban inspired - how perfect?

Let me start by saying a sincere thank you to whoever invented this fine headwrap.  It's effortless, covers the hair, can be worn with messy hair while looking cool, and did I mention it's actually the coolest hair piece I've ever come across?  No joke, I NEED to get my hands on one of these.

Headwraps have been around for a few years (WhoWhatWear did a piece about them in 2007 which can be read here) so I don't know where I've been on this trend.  I'm pretty disappointed with myself as I could have been wearing this awesome trend for three years now.  Better late than never?

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