

Holiday Gift Guide

With much enthusiasm, I give you my Holiday Gift Guide!

I've been beyond excited about this post all day, but I absolutely wouldn't allow myself to post until I covered at least half of the material for my exam on Thursday.  When the halfway point came just a few moments ago, I practically closed my fingers in my book because I closed it so quickly.  You are probably wondering if I recognize the fact that I basically created a reward system for myself, with the reward being blogging.  The answer is yes, and I absolutely concede to the fact that this makes me a nerd.  So be it.

After begging my older sister to use her photoshop skills to make this for me, (thank you Krissy!) I put together several fabulous items that I've come across in my cyber shopping recently.  I tried to pick a few house related items, hobby related items and trend related items so that there is a gift for everyone.  Happy holidays!



Nicki Minaj's Wild Style

Fairmart library makes for a very uninspiring environment, so I needed a post that would wake me up.

While clicking through some of my favorite sites (procrastination isn't always bad you see), I came across Nicki Minaj and her newest do: bright orange hair.  That did the trick!

Nicki Minaj is a huge hip-hop artist packaged in a tiny 5'2" frame.  She's known for the many alter egos she likes to encompass when performing.  She has worked with Usher, Kanye West and Lil Wayne in an effort that has proven she can keep up with the boys.

Minaj is a wig-wearing wild child and her outfit choices always make a statement. put together a slideshow of Nicki Minaj's Wildest Style Moments (which can be seen here).

If your tired eyes are in need of some awakening, her bright outfits will surely do the trick.  Needless to say, I adore Minaj and always look forward to her music and outfit choices.  A girl that can keep up with the boys while donning colored wigs is without a doubt a girl I admire.

Minaj is an artist in many facets of the word.