

Clever Costumes

Jester costume- American Apparel

With Halloween quickly approaching, creative costume ideas have been all I can think of.  Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays and the thrill of picking out a costume is something I look forward to all year.  I love the idea of taking on a role that isn't your own and becoming absorbed in it for just a day.

As a little girl, I dressed up as a princess, a motorcycle chick, a cheerleader, Princess Jasmine (I think I wore that costume at least 3 Halloweens in a row), a witch and many other costumes typical for young girls.  As I get older, I find it more challenging to find a costume that I think is appropriate and unconventional.  I don't want to be a witch or a maid- I want something truly clever.

In more recent years, I feel as though my costumes have been put together last minute because I can never quite find something that I really want to be.  I tend to throw something together last minute and never truly feel absorbed in the character I am supposed to be personifying.  This year however, I want that to change; I really want a costume that is put together well and cohesive.

As I was online shopping this morning I came across brilliant costume ideas on American Apparel's website.  The designers put together some really innovative ideas with pieces from their site.  Their ideas are so well thought out and there's really a costume for everyone.  They have ideas for kids, men and women.  There are some more typical costumes, like a witch for women, and some more unconventional costumes like an archaeologist for men.

The best part is that you can get 15% off when you buy the entire suggested costume.  Not to mention that a lot of the pieces you will purchase can be added to your wardrobe after Halloween; they don't need to be put away in a costume bin because they're really not a costume.

My personal favorites are the bellydancer costumes and the jester costumes.  Check them out for yourself here.

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